Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Bone Loss?

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Bone Loss?

Yes, absolutely! If you have been thinking of getting dental implants, but were either concerned about your potential bone loss or dental implants cost, don’t worry dental implants is here for your help. Be it replacing a single missing tooth or a full replacement, dental implants can help you out. However, not everyone qualifies to be the right candidate for dental implants. This is because, in some patients with bone loss, a bone grafting procedure may be required to carry out the dental implants procedure precisely. Here is what you need to know about dental implants for patients with bone loss, the cost of dental implants and how it might have an effect if you are looking to replace your missing teeth.

What are the possible Causes Dental Bone Loss?

In case, if you suffer from a gum disease, injury or cavities and lost your tooth, there are many chances that the bone present in the vacant area begins to wear away. During this time, in the meantime, your body undergoes the resorption process, meaning reabsorbing the bone cells. This is the reason, for bone loss in that area. This loss of bone becomes a problem when you look to carry out dental implants, because there may not be sufficient bone. This is the reason why you must opt for dental implants as soon as you lose a tooth, to avoid bone loss and for a hassle-free procedure.

Bone Grafting Procedures

The bone grafting procedure might sound upsetting, but it is a common procedure which is carried out in patients with heavy bone loss for the dental implants process. The procedure is carried out with IV sedation for a pain-free experience. The following are the bone grafting options –

  • Bone graft using your own bone
  • Bone graft using donated bone
  • Bone graft using animal bone
  • Bone graft using animal bone

The Advantages of Dental Implants

Apart from offering the most natural look, dental implants also offer the following advantages

  • Efficient option for replacing a missing tooth
  • The Dental implants cost is affordable
  • Dental implants preserve and safeguard the jawbone after you lose a tooth
  • You get a beautiful smile and the privilege to munch on all your favourite foods at a reasonable Dental implant price

Actually the bone grafting and dental implants procedure are easier than you think of. If you choose the right surgeon, they will help you get the best experience possible. So choose an expert in dental implants with a proven track record and in whom you can trust!

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