General Dentist vs Specialist

Dental Costs

Information about Dental Prices in Australia and abroad

Specialists Roles and dentist costs in Australia

Beware of websites or clinics trying to always push you to see their own specialist prior to a visit to the general dentist. It would most likely to incur on unnecessary higher dentist costs in Australia.

Although you don’t need a referral letter to see dental implant specialists in Sydney, most independent specialists will be pleased to have one explaining why the general dentist was not able to help during your first visit.

The letter of referral states the specific treatment needed to be perform by the specialist and also the nature of the overall treatment.

Dental Costs associated with a specialist treatment are most likely to be more expensive for obvious reasons and should therefore be left as a second alternative for complex cases.

Beware that some dentists restrict their practise to one specific field like oral surgery, implant ology, periodontics and others. These general dentists although not recognised by the Dental Board of Australia as specialists can become extremely experience in their field of practise and are also a good alternative for patients. These professionals as other dentists are required by law to update their skill and education in courses up to 60 hours per cycle.

General Dentists are able and also trained to recognize their limitations and will be more than happy to refer cases to specialists in case it is necessary. It is obviously not in their interest to take on cases that could become problematic or beyond their ability.

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